Discover How with Champions for Green.


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Reduce Environmental Impact

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Enhance Brand Image

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Create Memorable Experiences

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Lower Waste Bills 

How It Works

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Onsite & Chain of Custody Recycling

  • We set up customized recycling bins throughout your event, to handle all of the designated recyclable materials.
  • On-site recycling equipment including balers & bulk bag recyclables collection bags are available.
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Chain of Custody Recycling & Certification

  • We provide chain of custody transparent tracking of your recyclables through the entire circular economy.
  • We can also provide 3rd party carbon footprint and certifications.
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Sustainable & Circular Economy Products

  • We provide a one stop selection of sustainable & circular economy event products, including event staff, volunteer, and guest apparel made from recyclable bottles, sustainable hospitality and operational products, event furniture, recycling bins, and more.
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Detailed Reporting

  • CFG sustainable reporting provides a comprehensive sustainability report showcasing your environmental impact.
  • it includes but it is not limited to: waste diversion, recycling rates, carbon footprint reduction estimates, etc.
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Eco-Educational Pavillions

  • We help educate, engage, and inspire your event guests with interactive eco-educational activities including eco art installations, eco-customization stations, sustainable product showcase, games, contests, and more.
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Sustainable Sponsorship

  • CFG sustainable sponsorship programs connect targeted brands to your event sustainability, helping offset costs and provide new revenue streams around your event sustainability initiatives.

Four Pillars of Sustainability

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Recycling & Sustainability

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Education & Engagement

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Sustainable Products & Packaging

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Giving Back GREEN

Hear from Our Happy Clients

Unique, green, unforgettable events.

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Leticia Kutch

Sapiente occaecati exercitationem quasi eum corporis sit. Aut consectetur maxime debitis quam voluptatem aut consequatur voluptatum.

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Leticia Kutch

Sapiente occaecati exercitationem quasi eum corporis sit. Aut consectetur maxime debitis quam voluptatem aut consequatur voluptatum.

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Leticia Kutch

Sapiente occaecati exercitationem quasi eum corporis sit. Aut consectetur maxime debitis quam voluptatem aut consequatur voluptatum.

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Past Event

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Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show

10,260 lbs of waste diverted from landfull

14.83 tons of CO2 Emissions Reductions



Plastic Bottles



Aluminum Cans


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The plastic bottles we collected produce over 1.5k C4G  tee shirts or over 2.9k C4G 6 bottle hats.


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FedEx St. Jude Classic



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Cursus risus.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Cursus risus.

Who we have worked with:

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Start Your Sustainable Event Journey

Leading to a sign-up form for a consultation or more information.

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848 Brickell Ave, Suite 300 Miami, FL 33131

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Champions For GREEN

© 2023, Champions For GREEN